Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Student Stories - Alex M

Hey hey! Today was pretty sweet. We returned to Melda's house to continue fixing the numerous exterior projects that we had started the day before. Melda was very touched by our kindness that she decided to bring us some spicy fried chicken in addition to the lunches that we had already packed. And if I can tell you just one thing it would be this: you have never had fried chicken until you have had THIS fried chicken. It was like an explosion of, well, chicken in your mouth, only not with that disturbing image. However, despite being distracted by the exploding chickens (and by this I mean the flavor of), we were still able to connect and talk with Melda about her experiences. Through our discussions we learned that she was a very caring, compassionate, and composed person, especially after what she has gone through. She told us of her husband, who has since died, and her four sons, the youngest of them being in their twenties. We met Trevor a few hours later when he stopped by the house after work. Like Melda, he was very touched by our work and extremely grateful. Melda's house is a mess of exterior work that requires numerous and quite tedious jobs, but one must never judge a book by its cover. Upon entering her house we saw that it was well painted and furnished and looked completely incredible. On the wall there was a replica of the "Last Supper" which was cracked and ripped and stained in many places. Upon asking as to the state of this picture Melda told us that it was the only thing that survived Katrina and that she still keeps it as a reminder. When I think of Melda I think of a person who has been through some of toughest challenges that any human being can face and yet still rise above all of these challenges and smile. I think that I have learned more from Melda in my time here than she has learned from me or from any of us. In her I see the strength to overcome and the courage to keep moving forward. I look forward to the upcoming days that I can spend talking to and learning from her as well as any chance I get to share with her the amazing love that I have found in Jesus. I hope you all are having as great of a time as I am and I love all of you more! Disclaimer: No chickens were harmed in the making of this blog.


Anonymous said...

Hey Alex! Get the recipe for the "exploding chicken". I'm tired of hearing your complaints about our dinners.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog Alex. I love that southern chicken too. Some of the southern guys have cooked it at camp.

Anonymous said...

Alex, we are so proud of you and your care for others. We enjoy all the hundreds of daily photos, they are great! We especially like your caulking, we'll have to get some of that here!
Mom : )