Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Student Stories - Rachel R

This whole entire week has been so joyful and amazing. At the start of the week my group was at the charter school, then we visited the French Quarter, and now today we worked at a deaf church. This was a total God thing that Clarissa A was in our work group, because she could sign to the pastor of this church. The people that worked on the sit with me tried to communicate with John. Yesterday night Derek gave us an assignment that we have a $50 gift card to Wal-Mart, to give to someone totally random. The goal is for us to look for people to talk with and pray with that we would normally walk right by. If we discover they have a need we can meet - we can help them! It's so cool! At first I was really nervous and scared, but Clarissa and I really supported each other to have a great conversation with this lady, Francis. Hopefully during our time limit I will be able to find the right, deserving person to give the money to that will meet a need in their life. Thank you for all of you prayers and keep on praying for our safety and team bonding. I love you all at home! God bless!

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