Friday, April 11, 2008

Student Stories - Eric O

Hello, my group this week was the one that got to move around the most. This was good for me and my short-ish attention span! The first two days we spent at the school. I don’t remember exactly what it was called but it was a charter school for Pre-School through 8th grade. It is in a very poor area so most of the students there are in need of some loving. Justin and I spent our first day with Pre-School and 2nd grade. The second day we spent with just 2nd grade. The kids were very friendly they were really easy to feel comfortable around. There was one point when Justin and I were at recess with the Pre-School when one of them asked me to lift them up and put them down like a “Rocket Ship”. I did that once (complete with sound affects) and before I knew it I had about 32 children wanting to pick them up. These are some tough kids and apparently they really wanted me to pick them up, because they were beating up each other to get to me. Not wanting any violence, I had them form a line. Thank God Justin was there to share the load or else I would have never made it. The next three days we spent at a Deaf Church in Down Town-ishNawleans”. The pastor John of course was deaf and it would have been really hard to communicate with him if it wasn’t for Clarissa. She is very good at signing and she did her best to teach the rest of us some. But at least John can write or type on a computer if we really didn’t understand. You can learn more about the Church on a video blog hopefully soon, but while we were there we helped put a stage back together, garden and Stain a floor of one large room. David C did a great job of bouncing back and forth between the two jobs since both needed his supervision. I am almost out of time but if any of you would like pray for me it would be that I really hear God’s voice when it comes time for me to give my gift card away. I have been a little anxious and discouraged that I haven’t had an opportunity to do this yet but oh well. Thanks again but now I’m excited to go to sleep, because I get to sleep in for the first time in forever. Thanks again!! Love Eric!!!!!!!!

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